
Monday 5 October 2009

I'm back.....

.....from my wonderful crafting holiday with fantastic friends :o)
These are the only cards I made all week but we did get some great craft shopping done.

The weather was very kind to us and we didn't need coats until Friday when we saw our first rain, but that was only for half an hour!
I will do my best to play catchup on you lovely blogs but don't hold your breath because I have to go to work today :o(
Jackie xx


Joanne said...

Welcome back Jackie! So glad you had a great trip and got lots of fun new crafting goodies! I know how fun that is - just did it on my trip to Phx. Your cards are beautiful I love the little penguins with Santa, too cute! They are all lovely, super job! Aloha... said...

Missed you Jackie! Wish I was with you all again, and how blessed you were with good weather.
Your cards are a real treat!

Cass said...

Great to have you back Jackie.Sounds like you had a fab time.Love the cards,they're all gorgeous.
Cass xxx

gina g said...

Hi Jackie Fab cards, glad you had a fab time. luv gina xx


Hi Jackie
Welcome back your cards are gorgeous,so glad you have had a nice time,
Hugs Dianne xx

June Nelson said...

Wow Jackie they are gorgeous,a dn loving the traditional red and green. Pleased your back and have had a lovely time, love and hugs from me xxxxxxxxxx

issy said...

Great cards Jackie, and even better in real life. I dont know how you did it.. I only made one all week (lol)


Lynsey said...

Beautiful cards Jackie! Love the images. Glad you had a good time.
Hugs Lynsey:)

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful! I love the embossed snow on the first one!

(-: Heidi

Sarpreet said...

Gorgeous card, welcome back

Caroljenks said...

Gorgeous cards Jackie and those Santa's are just too cute!!!

Carol x

Lesley said...

lovely cards - glad the weather was kind and you are refreshed after your break with friends - love Lesley x
ps hope to see you soon :)

Tab said...

Gorgeous cards hun, love the sweet images and all the embellishments are perfect!
Hugs Tab xxx

Tracey said...

Glad you had a good time Jackie and have stocked up on crafting goodies.

Love your cards, especially the santa ones.

Thanks for all your encouraging comments on my blog.

Unknown said...

Well you know how much I love these Jackie. Having been there at the 'birth'while we were away, I can vouch for how gorgeous they are IRL too!
Luv Viv xxx